
imrussellcrowe OP t1_iwuzn1e wrote

From the article:

>Tuvalu will be the first country to replicate itself in the metaverse but follows both the city of Seoul and the island nation of Barbados which last year said they would enter the metaverse to provide administrative and consular services, respectively.
Up to 40 per cent of the capital district is underwater at high tide, and the entire country is forecast to be underwater by the end of the century.
Kofe said he hoped that the creation of a digital nation would allow Tuvalu to continue to function as a state even if it becomes completely submerged.
This is important as the government begins efforts to ensure that Tuvalu continues to be recognised internationally as a state and its maritime boundaries - and the resources within those waters - are maintained even if the islands are submerged.
Kofe said that seven governments have agreed to continual recognition, but there were challenges if Tuvalu goes under as it is a new area of international law.


imrussellcrowe OP t1_iue6wat wrote

From the article:

>To meet the Paris Agreement goals, the world needs to reduce greenhouse gases by unprecedented levels over the next eight years.
Unconditional and conditional NDCs are estimated to reduce global emissions in 2030 by 5% and 10% respectively, compared with emissions based on policies currently in place. To get on a least-cost pathway to holding global warming to 1.5°C, emissions must fall by 45% over those envisaged under current policies by 2030. For the 2°C target, a 30% cut is needed.
Such massive cuts mean that we need a large-scale, rapid and systemic transformation. The report explores how to deliver part of this transformation in key sectors and systems.