
imtourist t1_jdlazqd wrote

First of all the decision by India to buy Russian oil is mainly economic although it is tacitly approved by the US and the rest of the west. There is an independent undercurrent here though and that is to drive wedges like this in the world order in order highlight the importance of India. The country's collective self-esteem is partially driven by what was in the rear view mirror but now more so to better industrialize and gain respect (e.g. a seat on the security council).


imtourist t1_jcsqjl1 wrote

I think this Youtube video discusses globular clusters along the way and he basically said that the stars there are much closer together than our own sun + Proxima Centauri as well there would be a lot more of them. I think said that at night there would be so much starlight that it might cast shadows.


imtourist t1_j41hz2v wrote

Blame the capitalists in the US which are the stockholders, executives and their enablers in the government. They have been driving the offshoring of jobs and technologies for decades now in the interest of short term profits and related bonuses. We are waking up too late now to realize the destruction that his wrought, the strategic error of being reliant on China and other countries that are not exactly friendly to the US and the West.

BTW I used AIX back in the 90s and it truly sucked back then too.