
ina_sh t1_j1yjd4o wrote

Take a break from reading. Watch a movie, take long walks, go shopping, whatever. Don't read. Be bored for a bit.

Then go to a library/bookstore, browse a bit and pick something that sounds interesting to you. Don't google reviews, don't ask the internet (Goodreads, Reddit, etc) if they think it's good. Just pick something that speaks to you.

Eventually, you'll come across a book that you'll want to read and your slump will be over.


ina_sh t1_iyduc86 wrote

Sometimes I read a book and also listen to an audiobook. Often they are fiction and non-fiction. So when I read two books, it's always either an entirely different genre or medium.

I studied literature, so sometimes I also read one book for class and another for fun.


ina_sh t1_ixe8y0s wrote

Are they perhaps talking about metafictional books and metafictional elements in books? In other words, novels that know that they are novels and comment on that in the text? I personally enjoy those but can understand why others night find it annoying.


ina_sh t1_ix75hpd wrote

Ed Yong's book is excellent, I loved it too.

Very different but also a lot of fun: You Look Like a Thing and I Love You by Janelle Shane, where she explains how AI works and all the weird things it does.