
incubusboy t1_j9zf2wa wrote

Let Ice cream soften in the refrigerator. 1-15 mins for a B&J or other pint, longer for a half gallon brick. Ice cream in a cup should be firm but as spoonable as custard. Serving hard frozen ice cream is a rookie mistake.


incubusboy t1_j3yng7t wrote

It’s likely you already felt stupid and do this second guessing nonsense to argue with yourself against the idea.

If you treat a story like a video game, you’re not reading. Reading is a direct, intimate experience. So long as you stand back from the characters and story as an observer with an agenda, you’re missing most of what your author has made for you.

Of course, if you only read genre fiction, the easy to read, plot heavy stuff that airport novels are made of, it doesn’t really matter. I suggest you read something more challenging. And stop guessing what’s next. Take in fully what you’re reading in the moment. No one wrote a novel to prove you stupid OR smart. Please stop missing the point so aggressively.


incubusboy t1_iusduw1 wrote

When we arrived at the first observation patio, grown ass men were falling to their knees, reaching toward the ginormous hoodoos, crying out in amazement. People wept. I was staggered and cannot tell you how long I stood and gaped.

And yes, there are ravishing trails down through it. And no, they’re even bigger than you imagine.