
instantcoffee69 t1_jdxrcin wrote

I love Baltimore, but we should just be honest with everyone: Back River is in no shape to take this on. With on going operation issues, untreated discharge, explosions, the facility isn't doing great.

Back River barely functions with regular waste water, let's not stress the system. It simply can't handle it safely.

If the contractor didn't get prior authorization to discharge into Back River, that's a personal problem. See the Seinfeld episode with the muffin stumps.


instantcoffee69 t1_jd4rq5n wrote

> "I immediately asked [one of the drivers] if he was OK," Acket said. "I asked her as well, then she started swearing at me. I stepped away because I saw her gun and she was very aggressive. I asked her if she wanted me to call the police. She said she was the police."

God damn, ain't that a BPD response to the core.

When people ask "why don't people like/trust/respect BPD" Its encounters like this. There's donzens each day, each day the number of people who get treated like dog shit by BPD goes up by a few, and the community trust goes down.

> Documents revealed that Sheppard's bosses, along with her girlfriend, came to the scene.
In Sheppard's car. officers found drugs - white plastic bag with various eatable cannabis treats, two grinders that had loose green residue and suspected cannabis residue, according to documents.
As officers continued to search Sheppard's car, the bag containing the drugs was left on the passenger seat when Sheppard signaled to her girlfriend, who reported took the drugs and left the scene, according to documents.

Might want to check that boss out. Got a strong feeling that there may be some issues there too.


instantcoffee69 t1_jcvfqtx wrote

> “The only thing that is getting in our way right now is our leadership,” he said in an interview with The Baltimore Banner. “Baltimore deserves better. People are looking for better. And I’m hoping that that’s me.”

He could have just said Mosby, no need to beat around the bush, this is Baltimore, keep it real.


instantcoffee69 OP t1_jc256w6 wrote

> In the early 2000s, a gang killing of a nephew drove Adolfo Martinez’s mother away from her native Honduras. She fled with Adolfo in her arms, then about a year old, and joined her husband, who was already working in the United States. Here, his parents do not practice what they set out to do as young adults. But coming to the U.S. — even without documentation — meant that their children might have opportunities they did not.
Martinez, by all measures, thrived. Growing up in Owings Mills, he served as a Boy Scout, tutored middle schoolers and volunteered with his church. When it came time to apply for colleges, he was accepted into eight out of 10 schools. The 21-year-old student is currently a junior majoring in forensic studies at Loyola University Maryland and an Ultimate Frisbee competitor.

This man, like many others, has been an outstanding American, doing well for his community. Now he faces deportation to a country he does not know, nor call home.

> When Martinez turned 15, his family looked into obtaining legal status for him through DACA. But Republican Donald Trump had just been elected president after disparaging Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals and vowing to build a wall to keep immigrants from crossing the southern border into the United States.
Advocacy groups like CASA feared the new administration would misuse personal information on file to track down and deport DACA recipients, so an attorney with the community organization advised the family against applying for the program.
Instead, the family applied for asylum for Martinez around his 18th birthday. His mother and her friend filed the paperwork together out of desperation and worry for her son. She did not think to look for an immigration lawyer at the time due to the cost, trusting her well-intentioned friend who had gone through the process before.

The system makes "doing the right way" nearly impossible, and that's the point.

> Caught in the middle are more than a million immigrants like Martinez. In Maryland alone, there are an estimated 13,000 individuals who could qualify for DACA and only 7,200 who are in the program, according to the Migration Policy Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank. A majority of people in deportation proceedings do not have legal representation, and immigrants with attorneys “fare better at every stage of the court process.”

This struggle did not start with Trump, nor did it end with him. It's a long fight, and it must be continued. Trump's policies stay in place, and Democrats have broken their promise. We need to keep pressure until the job is done, and the job is never done.

Here's how to donate to CASA Baltimore


instantcoffee69 t1_jbz6cxe wrote

Why don't you just buy it from UA? I don't think it's a good president to force the use of private property ("ZONING!!" That's a whole other topic, but not for this discussion) or restrict it's sale.

If you want to buy it from UA, then covert it to a urban park, go for it. You want to ask UA to donate it, go for it. I don't think we should block the sale. It's a private matter between owner and potential buyers.


instantcoffee69 t1_ja4051w wrote

Hey I'm sorry I got a follow up:

It was a +$15k for one joist replacement? Or there was other work?

Cause let me tell you, replacing one joist when the roof is off is not a huge scope change. They should have provided a ticket for labor and material, with an agreed upon markup. Cut and dry.

For the scope change. It can happen. Some time you don't know conditions till you get in there. Agree to the mark up rate before.

And if they didn't do work as per the contract, DO NOT PAY THEM. Pay when it's fixed.

You got hosed bad. I'm sorry.


instantcoffee69 t1_j9zt9xo wrote

Man we do this every week. We should auto response this:

  • Has your usage gone up? What's the delta? OR has just the total cost gone up?
  • Refer to cost of electricity and NG going up significantly
  • BGE sells to you at the market rate, with an added fee, the fee is regulated. More of a market issue than a utility issue
  • You can make sure you're more energy efficiency
  • If you think there is a meter issue, contact BGE

instantcoffee69 t1_j9u2gsl wrote

I want to first say that I live in Baltimore City, and I absolutely love it.

BUT, I can not recommend enough AGAINST your idea. For the following:

  • Baltimore is a city of neighborhoods, it's gonna take some time to find the one your like, or even the block you like.
  • New career is hard for everyone, make sure you like the job and want to stay
  • Baltimore rowhomes can be a bear. And in general you'll need a bit of work in each house when you move in
  • This is not the best time to rush into a house, take a few years to make sure Baltimore is where you want to be a take the dive
  • Public transportation: figure out where you're gonna work, and find a home that the commute is feasible. Too many people don't live near bus lines then are shocked when there are no busses

instantcoffee69 t1_j8nz7au wrote

> Many of the comments DOT received were about aesthetics and the lack of uniformity in the city’s estimated 120 parklets, Davis said. Eighty-five percent of respondents supported the parklets. Most of the contentious comments, he said, revolve around Fells Point, which has the highest concentration of parklets.

Make a reasonable building code. Not a intentionally prohibitive, but reasonable to ensure safety. Don't like the aesthetic, move to a cookie cutter burb.

> Paul Dolaway, owner of MaGerk’s Pub & Grill in Federal Hill, wanted no part of the parklets.
“I’m against them,” said Dolaway, who has observed the street-side structures attracting non-customers — from those looking to extend the party to people experiencing homelessness seeking shelter. With the lack of uniformity, he said the majority of the parklets look rickety and randomly constructed.

These bar owners got some nerve.

The last thing this city needs is more parking. Get people into the streets, bars, and restaurants. Not spaces for single use cars.


instantcoffee69 t1_j7trf7m wrote

110%, I've done all 3. Each different, each great in their own way.

Harbor cruise: short, 1hr, great music, plus booze.

Harbor dinner cruise: 3hrs, ok food, great music, booze.

Pirate boat: very loud fun music, BYOB.


instantcoffee69 t1_j7r85ek wrote

>The documents reviewed by The Baltimore Banner include a February 2022 “goals and expectations” memo from a barracks in the Eastern Shore that lays out in detail how many traffic stops, citations, warnings, arrests, and other metrics would meet the law enforcement agency’s monthly “expectations.” For a state trooper in the Princess Anne barracks, that means making at least 70 traffic stops per month, issuing at least 35 citations and two to three arrests. The metrics also include a range of “driving under the influence” arrests to be made per year, which is listed as four to six.

Man, these clowns not only wrote down their crimes, but also added metrics.

> “From what I have been told most troopers disagree with this but have no voice to help combat this practice,” the tipster wrote. “They are threatened with disciplinary action if they do not meet these required goals.”

So good cops can't stop bad cops? They can scuff up civilians for made up issues, but standing up to another cop, can't do it. These troopers are trash.


instantcoffee69 t1_j7dxoo7 wrote

> “I spoke with Ms. Shapiro candidly and said I was uncomfortable even moving forward with disorderly conduct charges,” Wildeus said before the court.
Shapiro said that Officer Yoon is well known in the Fourth Precinct. Two other cases with similar charges also had similar last-minute dismissals, said Shapiro, an attorney with Richmond Public Defender’s Office. One of the charges was as recent as last December.

Pattern of misconduct is bad thing, maybe they shouldn't be cops.

>On Thursday, Commonwealth Attorney Colette McEachin emailed the Times-Dispatch to add comments to Holley's case.
McEachin said that her office did not "have any issue with the legitimacy of the charge in this case," and that their decision not to proceed with charges "was unrelated to the implication suggested in your reporting"

Whaaaa, let's stop clowning around gang.

> McEachin said that at a hearing the Friday before Holley's trial, the judge had ruled the 911 call for service that brought Yoon and Onorati to Maggie Walker Plaza was inadmissible.
McEachin said the call for service was for a report of a man attacking people with a glass bottle.

So they arrested a random black dude?

>Asked if she thought the body camera footage substantiated Yoon's claims of assault, McEachin said that body camera footage doesn't always capture everything that transpires, and that ultimately, it was for the jury to decide if Onorati had been assaulted.

So the new rule is cops, when we know they are BSing they can throw accusations, and then it's "fuck It, let the trial settle this"

Richmond has made no effort to reform the RPD or its commonwealth prosecution.


instantcoffee69 t1_j72e5a0 wrote

> Perez said that the university administration and students have been extremely supportive. She has earned the respect of her peers, as well as the Coppin faculty and staff and other members of Eagle Nation, because of her character, according to a news release issued by the university

> The comments started to explode after Perez posted a playful TikTok video, “When both Baltimore HBCUs Mister and Miss see each other.” The video received close to 3,000 comments — about 80% of them attacking Perez, she said.

Her actually student body have been great and support. Which is great to see and a wonderful reflection of Coppin St and the Baltimore community.

And people online are terrible. Which is expected.