
inukaglover666 t1_j3gfxuw wrote

Bc of poverty and structural racism that causes the concentration of poverty that leads to crime being a way to make a living when jobs aren’t paying enough, your community is completely disinvested, and education is can thank White flight in the 1950s for the utter lack of investment in Baltimore. The white parts get invested while majority black know...and the city happens to be majority black so...anyone with critical thinking skills knows there’s a link between poverty and crime lmao


inukaglover666 t1_j3gfk9u wrote

That’s such cop out bullshit that it’s making you racist lmao but if poc verbalize valid issues with white people they are collectively gaslit but people are gonna defend this asshole jus for being assaulted and I think that’s utter bullshit


inukaglover666 t1_j1uu1r0 wrote

Reply to comment by smilodon138 in Places to check out by postinbail

No problem! I live in pigtown with my husband and we really like the neighborhood. They have a very active community association as well so definitely get involved with that too if you want to make friends in the neighborhood.


inukaglover666 t1_j1u9ble wrote

Volunteering is always a good way to meet like minded good people. I met all my best friends in life volunteering or through work/school tbh. There’s a harm reduction place called SPARC in pigtown and they are about to restart the volunteer days/training in January so I definitely recommend you check it out!