
ionlyreadtitle t1_jeeoqhi wrote

He lies to you. He's probably lying about a lot more. And you know he's cool with cheating.

And when you stay with him. Well, you never have him meet your best friend ever? Do you think once she breaks it off with him that she will just forget what he looks like when she hangs out with you and him?

Do you really think your best friend would stay with a guy who lied to you and her and cheated on you with her?

With friends like that, you don't need enemies.


ionlyreadtitle t1_jeekh34 wrote

Are you two actually exclusive. Or just seeing each other?

Your friend is not being unloyal to you. She doesn't know that you are with this guy. I'll bet you a million dollars that he told her that he was single. She has no idea.

Do not take this out on your friends. He is the scumbag.

Show her a picture of your guy. Make sure it's acutely the same guy. Then, trick him into meeting her while you are with her. See what he says about the situation. Leave him. And stick with your friend.


ionlyreadtitle t1_jaf3lcp wrote

You already know the answer.

You either break up or you accept the abuse.

You are not the problem. She is. She has major trust issues and jealousy issues. There are probably lots of insecurities also.

That is not something that you can fix. And it's not something that she can fix on her own. She needs to go see a therapist to get over all her issues before she can have a healthy relationship.

There is absolutely nothing you can do to make her not think that you are cheating. There is absolutely no way to prove that you are not cheating.

You will not fix her. Talking from experience with this kind of girl.
It only gets uglier.


ionlyreadtitle t1_jaf1xei wrote

But it wasn't a one-time thing.

You said every time you fight your go-to move is yelling, then packing your things, then leaving.

You can only bend a stick so much until it breaks. And you bend the hell out of your fiancé until he broke.

You now have to deal with these consequences. You have to let him heal. And you trying to bend him more will not fix this. You need to let him fix it.