
iordseyton t1_jbqxjjw wrote

Back in the 80s or 90s, Toyota would only actually have like 150- 250. Different keys/ locks for any given run of cars. Dealerships would buy packs that were each key and could figure out the right one based on Vin (iirc)

As luck would have it, in our small town, there was one other guy with a red 86 Toyota pickup, and his and my dad's had the same key.

To make matters worse, they both worked with boats (my dad built them, and the other guy was a fisherman we think)

Occasionally, when launching a boat or doing something at the marina, when we came back at the end of the day, the other guy would have taken my dad's car home for the night. So my dad would just take it home for the night, then drop it back off in the parking lot first the next day, and get his back when the guy came back for it.

It happened 3 or 4 times that I know of- first time was a surprise when we came back from a sail, My dad reached under the seat for a fresh pack of smokes, as he pulled out of the lot, and came up with a fishing knife instead.


iordseyton t1_jacnqxo wrote

'You've no idea' isn't grammatically correct either, it's just less obvious.

You could say 'you have no idea,' or 'you have got no idea' interchangeably.

'You've got no idea' would be a correct contraction.

The reason 'You've no idea' feels correct and 'will you've sex' from the original doesn't is because our brains are trained to sort of skip over, or add in if need be, the existential verbs, like 'is' and 'got.'