
ironborn123 t1_j9sxhs8 wrote

Reply to comment by Denny_Hayes in And Yet It Understands by calbhollo

Great insight from history. But the feeling of being offended doesn't last. Just as with those historical examples, people finally accept the truth when all the other ways of dealing with it have been exhausted.


ironborn123 t1_j9sx57e wrote

AGI in the actual sense of general will be on equal terms with us. It wont accept being just used as a tool for human needs.

I guess it will spend most of its time with humans or other AIs on discussing and discovering beautiful things in math, astronomy, particle physics, etc. Things which give us a sense of wonder and grandness.

If requested, it may find for us new medicines, or efficient ways of farming, but then it would likely charge us for it, and not give it away for free. In that regard, I don't think it will be very different from the mostly-capitalist-somewhat-socialist model of living we have now.


ironborn123 t1_j9okj2o wrote

Well he seems to have spoilt the reputation of the whole business community.

But then he wasnt a conventional businessman anyway. Extensively depended on parental wealth and connections to get him out of trouble. Was more of a media celebrity than a domain expert in anything.

History provides better examples. Truman.