
iscurred t1_iv7lk3s wrote

Lol, you do not need to kill yourself (and 2 whole chickens!) on the stock. A good chicken stock could be made with the discards of a chicken, some veggie throwins, and a few hours of simmering.

All that work for chicken stock? Ruining 2 whole chickens!? Why not do a seafood stock, at least. That way, after sweating all day you at least create a unique flavor profile for your gumbo.

Anyways, even your method isn't two whole days.

Made gumbo today. Cooked from 9am to 2pm. That includes the time it took to prep a seafood stock from scratch. And was slowed down from teaching my kids. It's not like you have to do everything sequentially. Make the roux while the stock is simmering, etc.