
ismbaf t1_iy9cm8z wrote

This is very encouraging. I can envision a time in the not so distant future where the benefits of marketing your aircraft operations as very low emission (in comparison to contemporary jet fuel) will outweigh the financial burden of its early usage. It is nowhere near a direct replacement or a silver bullet solution but rather a possible alternative in selected applications and segments of aviation. But the hard truth is that aviation has a growing and glowing target on its back (as it should, the atmosphere cannot continue to be used as a dumping ground for carbon pollution, that crap has effects that are bad for all of us) and needs to adapt quickly to remain viable in the future.


ismbaf t1_iusqdwy wrote

This is outstanding to see. The urgency required for climate action cannot be overstated. The progress that aviation needs to make in the face of increasing climate impacts, cannot come fast enough. Without progress on emissions, aviation will become a target of fury from those who find their way of life crippled by a planet that can longer sustain their lifestyle. Aviation brings too many great things to simply stay stagnant and await the chopping block.

Progress in aviation can and will happen. Anyone that says otherwise is ignoring what aviation has been up to for the last 120 years. Bravo IcelandAir!