
its_aq t1_ja8d9dm wrote

You believe judgement and advice is the same thing?

Advice is direct. Example, based on the context, you should do XYZ.

Your self reasoning on how judgement can be perceived as advice is not direct. It is perception.

A simple dictionary explains the difference quite clearly.


its_aq t1_ja8bk03 wrote

But that wasn't what she was asking advice on.

Hence my emphasis on reading comprehension part. She was purely asking "moving forward, how can I communicate this to my roommate".

She didn't ask "how should I have done it earlier" or "what could I have done better".

This is an advice sub (for future actions), not a judgement sub (for past actions)


its_aq t1_ja879u7 wrote

Omg the responses are filled with people who has no reading comprehension.

OP is asking for advice on how to communicate her feelings to her roommate. She wasn't asking for an explanation on the roommates rights.

OP, You can wait til she gets back and have a sit down to go through your feelings specifically about how much better emotionally you've gotten and that you think you might want to move out after the lease is up (if you really determined you want to live alone). This will either slap your roommate awake on the things she does to invade your personal space.


You can take the passive aggressive route with a "ahh I really got into a whole vibe while you were gone. Hope you don't kill it when you get back lol"

I personally would take the first direct approach. I will say this to note, you two can still be friends and not be compatible as living mates.

I have a friend who's a pig while I'm a neat freak. We're like brothers but I can NEVER live with him. I'd lose my mind.