
iveabiggen t1_j4ahbna wrote

>But another recent study conducted with 394 adults in the UK found no difference in the total energy intake of food-insecure and food-secure people. What it did find, though, was that the diet of people without ready access to healthy food was high in carbohydrates, with less fibre and protein than other people in the study.

Meanwhile in asia, rice with every single meal, a carbohydrate. They report low obesity levels. Its not the carbs. You just eat too much kcal per day, and the excess is stored as fat.


iveabiggen t1_iujuqwt wrote

> Fertilizer has nitrogen in more accessible form, too.

To expand on this, the research into biochar has shown some promise as a [soil amendment](https://www.nature.com/artic les/s41598-020-67528-y). On Figure 7 it shows how Biochar-based controlled release nitrogen fertilizers(BCRNFs) differ from the control(CK)

As a side bonus, creation of biochar is a considerably high on the carbon sequestration front