
jackofslayers t1_j962ivg wrote

No. This is in my mind equally fucked up, but it is not what 1984 is talking about.

Big difference between the government rewriting history and a private company.

Again, I am fully disgusted with Puffin, but the impact and consequences are less than if this was done by the UK government.


jackofslayers t1_j2ehg7n wrote

As a mod mentioned in another sub, Reddit made changes system wide recently to promote more posts that are all text.

This is what is leading to more question posts.

It is definitely a lot recently so I understand the complaints.

Personally. I much prefer the questions to the threads linking to articles that are clearly just an ad, that has always been most of the content I see on here.

To put it another way, I prefer “What is your listicle?” Posts to an actual link to a listicle. At least that way I get multiple lists and I do not have to click an outside website.


jackofslayers t1_j24nejd wrote

Ok I just want to clarify this since this discussion pops up on this sub a lot.

“Alice in Borderland” is a direct adaptation of an anime. As a result the writing is pretty solid but the show gets pretty damn weird at times. Especially if you follow into season 2.

“Squidgame” is a mashup of maybe 3 different anime into an original story; mostly “Kaiji” with a big helping of “Liar Game”. As a result the writing and characters are mostly weaker than in AiB, but they also mostly avoid diving into the territory of “what the actual fuck is happening right now?” by blending together the more realistic elements of a few cartoons and cutting some of the loonier shit.


jackofslayers t1_j18marw wrote

I feel like the reddit algorithm has changed recently. I have been getting suggestions for much newer posts than normal and a lot of them are simple questions like this.

I don’t mind. In some subs in has been annoying but 90% of the other posts on r/movies and r/television seems to be those fucking awful “articles” that are clearly just an ad for a popular show.