
jackospades88 t1_jca8y7z wrote

I bet close friends and family reached out, as you'd expect in any situation.

But the millions of people who saw a random video or photo that went viral? I don't think you should expect anything more than "Oh shoot, that sucks. Hope she gets better! Anyway on to the next video!"


jackospades88 t1_j6om13s wrote

>They're trying to pass another where you can only have ~60 events a year. This includes participating in events not only hosting.

Jesus, that's so sad. I'm guessing this includes beer festivals, which is most of my exposure to new/different breweries. It's not like bars are at festivals promoting their beer lol.

Personally I'm not a frequent drinker, but I do find the atmosphere of breweries to be much better than a bar, seems much more personal and intimate. A shame that the guys on top would rather stop emerging businesses vs adapting themselves.


jackospades88 t1_j6okvyg wrote

>Well, they can technically have two, under a certain size screen.

Yeah looked it up...under 65" lol. That's such a silly thing to even restrict size.

>Also no other beverages. Coffee or sprite is strictly illegal.

Nothing like shooting down alternatives for breweries to promote and better include designated drivers for safer roads, which when I last checked are the densest (or at least near the top) in the country.

I guess the real solution is to eliminate the liquor license quantity rules.

I never knew all these extra rules you listed, and admittedly I haven't been to a whole lot of breweries here, but now that I think about it they are very "bare" and the no food/alternative drinks/limited entertainment BS explains it.