
jacqueslepagepro t1_iy6dmgp wrote

CGI is a tool, not a style.

Sci-if before CGI tended to be a lot more “grimy and dirty” even Star Wars looks very much like the world is “used” like the droids, vehicles, tools are handed down, or bought on a secondary market (because they literally are), Only the empire is “clean” because they can afford new stuff. Most sci-fi films tend to be set in worlds where people can buy new things, they don’t have to meet shady scrap dealers to buy robots.

Also the Sci-fi we tell ourselves is usually about our present and how we imagine the logical conclusion of what “this moment” will lead to. Star Wars is a very 70s look at how car culture would logically lead to people having strong opinions on someone’s custom space ship (I’m aware that the details of the millennium falcon have been added to over the years but when the film first came out the implication was that Han Solo, built/modified it). The need to know practical mechanics are less important to an average audience now than how their computer software works, so sci-fi is naturally going to use more computer software than practical mechanics as part of the world.

Keep in mind that CGI is often used in the same way Matt painting was used before hand. The tools to get the results have changed. I don’t see cgi leaving us, it’s just part of the language of cinema.