
jadedaid t1_ixcxisc wrote

No fancy chart will convince me that NYC has anything other than poor service. AT&T and queensboro? Might as well be on the moon. Rural Africa which lacks roads has better cell phone reception than the Hudson metro north line up to Westchester.

Just the idea that you need to mix and match your operator in - let us remind ourselves - the richest city in the world is mind boggling. Want connection at home AND where you work? Or maybe even on your commute? Get out of here.


jadedaid t1_isiu5nc wrote

This. When I moved to the US it was all shitty options. Regardless of salary you didn’t have the option to get your own place (unless you paid something like 6 months upfront or used one of those eye-wateringly expensive guarantor options), so it was roommates. And Craigslist is a damn weird place to be meeting people. I looked at many of these types of places before getting lucky with a roommate but they all had sketchy reviews and were expensive.

Hopefully Facebook groups have made this a whole lot easier and these quasi tech solutions can die.