
jarazmek t1_jdmjuie wrote

I was provided some interesting information a few weeks back. I asked why Xbox uses analog sticks over hall effect sensors. The reason isn't a great one, because it seems lazy, but it's also not what I thought. (It's not cost)

Xbox controller prototypes were made with hall effect sensors as well as analog sticks.

The issue is production. Microsoft isn't a manufacturer. They take off the shelf parts and assemble them more or less, which is true of Nintendo and Sony.

The reason hall effect sensors aren't the mainstream is simply because of a lack of a completed assembly, i.e., circuit board, thumb stick, and hall effect sensors. Analog sticks are.

Microsoft actually tried hall effect sensors and requested that the manufacturer build the completed stick assembly for production. The vendors didn't want to do it at that time or still don't, and the ones we see on the market are actually companies building their sticks from parts.