
jaybeesaur t1_ixwno9z wrote

That's a great life lesson to bring with you! Apply it! In my house we "wash more than you use" for dishes because preparing and cleaning up after a meal is ideal but you should also clean some silverware that's been used for smaller things like snacks where you don't want to waste soap or whatever


jaybeesaur t1_ixvteqp wrote

I don't remember who said it, Marie kondo or someone else, but "don't put it down; put it away" don't put anything in a temporary place "just for now I'll pick it up later" is just making more work, more mess, more clutter, more filth. If it's clothes, don't put it on the floor or chair or wherever, put it in the basket. (Don't overfill your basket, when it's full it's time for a load. When it comes out of the dryer, fold it straight from the dryer and use the basket to transfer it to it's destination or skip the basket and use your hands if you think you may put the basket down before the task is finished.) "Out of sight out of mind" is a bad thing, if you walk away from it, you will forget about it and it will pile up.

"Don't put it down, put it away" is a nice phrase to remind yourself throughout the day not to make a mess. Empty cup you just finished? Don't put it down on the table, put it away in the sink. You can use the principle of this for every aspect of home keeping that requires tidying