
jaydub1001 t1_j9kvcq7 wrote

I see you have a lot of questions. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to answer them. It seems, however, you may be interested in finding them and you're not arguing in bad faith. If that's the case, I'd search for those answers from someone more knowledgeable than myself. Most of your questions are "who pays for it" and the answer is simple: we all do. We are already (most of us) paying for housing. What if we took away the investment aspect of it? Prices drop.

It shouldn't be a commodity and it should be a human right to be housed.

The other questions are about what to do with all the other properties. Well, I'm not sure. But, if you own the home you're living in then nothing should change. If you own 500 homes, then too bad.


jaydub1001 t1_j9k6l8b wrote

>Rental housing is a business like any other

It isn't. It's far from selling fruits and vegetables in a market. If I don't like the cost of bread at my local market, I can search around and find one for a dollar cheaper, perhaps. Housing is predatory. You NEED housing. Without it, you are not considered part of human society in any meaningful way. So, companies buy up property and jack up the prices. The market doesn't need landlords.

>Do we strip people of their property and hand it to people who often don't want or can't afford it?

Who doesn't want a home? Lol, tf?

>Tear down all the apartments in the world or force people into an obligation to own a place they might want to leave soon?

Ah, because the only alternative is to bulldoze them? Why not socialize the housing market? If I'm going to pay taxes, and I do, I want it to go towards helping people. Cut funding from the military and police forces and give people a place to live.

>I think it could be better regulated but it's better than any alternative I've heard, but those alternatives are few and far between because it's easier to tear something down then to build something new.

People don't want to listen to the socialized housing solution because they are scared of it, for some reason.


jaydub1001 t1_j7xhmxn wrote

MSG is branded as Accent in Walmart. I've had difficulty finding Szechuan peppercorns and resulted to Amazon, but asian world market on battlefield and Campbell might have it in stock, now.


jaydub1001 t1_j4eku4d wrote

Reply to Locksmith by strrdust

If they won't cut the lock, why don't YOU cut the lock? Are you allowed to use bolt cutters on your own lock?


jaydub1001 t1_iqx37o7 wrote

My original comment didn't mention registration, only papers. You mentioned registration and I replied that there isn't registration but documents can be produced. Only ESAs need documentation. I don't know how it leads people to think otherwise unless that person is you and in which case you've been corrected.


jaydub1001 t1_iqwtkvs wrote

We make no assumptions about a person's disability and if a person says they have a dog, we charge a fee. If they say they have a service animal, we ask for documents. That's not illegal.

Edit: did some digging. We can't demand to know what the service animal does if it's apparent. We never ask what the disability is but they usually provide that info themselves to go along with the service animal info.

ESAs require documentation by a therapist.


jaydub1001 t1_iqwetea wrote

I'm unsure if ADA covers ESAs, but they do include regular service animals. Either way, the company I work for accepts ESA with papers.

If OP is just trying to claim their cat as an ESA without papers, they are in the wrong and if they have papers, they should just show them to the landlord.


jaydub1001 t1_iqwdtsl wrote

Demand? No, but there would be consequences.

I currently work for a property management company. If you have pets we charge a fee (pet rent) and require a deposit. If you have a service animal or ESA, we require proof so we don't charge you. You don't HAVE to show papers, but if you don't have them, you're going to pay the deposit and pet rent.

The law is that landlords need to admit ESAs with papers. They don't need to accept any animal that isn't papered.