
jayv9779 t1_j3lohfm wrote

They were suggesting that humans would stop evolving because of a lack of pressures. That humans were better off before modern tech. There is a myth out there that the old world was better but it ignores massive health advances. It is the old everything modern is evil. I could be strawmaning a bit but I think I am close.


jayv9779 t1_j3hizzq wrote

So do you think medical advances are a bad thing? We live longer lives now and are generally in a much better position as far as healthcare options now compared to ancient times.

We can also spread out more than we do and the internet could help that through delivery and remote work.


jayv9779 t1_j3hd0vv wrote

No. We still face pressures. There are a lot of them. Evolution still moves along. To be clear, evolving in the context of science doesn’t mean that it is always a good thing. There isn’t some overall cosmic goal. It just happens when we breed. The earth can sustain our population. It is overtaxed in many areas because of concentrations. If we get on a good plan of comprehensive sex ed and freely available contraception then the numbers will fall. They have already started in many advanced nations.


jayv9779 t1_j3h7h54 wrote

Environmental pressures according to the Theory of Natural Selection. Which is well documented if you care to read up on it. Survival of the fittest means the most fit to the environment which vaccines help with. Notice the distinct lack of small pox for instance.


jayv9779 t1_j3gy42v wrote

At a certain point people need to realize we evolved for instance. They need to be able to accept certain findings and not waste time. Evolution is settled in that we know for a fact allele changes happen. Some just can’t accept basic things that are now facts.