
jbert146 t1_iyfaz53 wrote

If you’re going to nitpick my word choice between two synonyms, you could at least click the link. “Correct” is the word used

> Correct Usage: Either

Britannica doesn’t take a firm stance

Edit: this is by far the lamest thing someone has ever blocked me for

Edit 2: I can't reply to you, /u/LifeStuffAndThings, because the other guy is upstream and blocked me. Here's my comment:

> What two synonyms?

"acceptable" and "correct". The other guy fixated on my word choice there.

Usage determines what is correct. Grammatical rules describe common usage, they don't prescribe them.

Merriam Webster says both are correct. Brittania says "According to most grammarians, this expression is logical and correct only with couldn’t", but then goes on to acknowledge that both are widely used.
