
jbreezeai t1_j1n20mh wrote

So one consistent feedback I have got from financial services customers is transparency and explain ability. My understanding is these 2 factors are reason why the adoption of dl in low. Especially when you have tons of audit and regulatory requirements.


jbreezeai t1_j1cdo0r wrote

Im interested. I have played around with gpt models and Bert. Not got into bloomz yet. I have trained gpt3 custom models on openai. My team has worked with lot more.

My concerns with openai is there is not clarity of my data will be reused or adapted into their general models. Second training gpt3 is very cumbersome and not flexible.

Advantage of openai: training the models and deploying it all api based so no infra and devops / mlops overhead.

I think ultimately cost will almost be in parity across all clouds with 10-20% delta. The automation will what be xtra cost. Do you pay openai or aws for automation or hire someone to do it.