
jcabia t1_j6aejuj wrote

Haha nice!

I am not a completionist at all. I go hunting for secrets if there is a motivation in the game to do it but have not 100% a game in a very long time.

I consider a game to be beaten when I finish the story and maybe some sidequests that I found interesting but I never push myself to collect things or going for alternate endings unless I really feel like wanting to. Basically when the credits roll I consider the game beaten but on a few ocasions I keep going after the credits roll.

Also, I beat Elden Ring on the Steam Deck from start to finish and it ran great, 0 issues. I loved it. One of the few games I kept playing after the credits roll


jcabia t1_j69xn26 wrote

Exactly. I rarely play games that are released that same year. I have a full time job, a wife and a kid. If a game is too long and feels like a chore I drop it immediately.

I even sold my pc and got a steam deck because it was the only way I could put a few extra hours a week in games. I may not be playing games at 1440p144hz but at least I actually play them now


jcabia t1_j69apk7 wrote

I get what you mean and used to agree with it but my opinion has changed a bit with time.

I have not played either Stray or Dead Space for the record but I used to value games based on the hours it gives you and as I grew up and started having less time, I started taking into account the quality of those hours.

For example, most new assassin's creed games can give you hundreds of hours but for me it almost feel like a chore because of how repetitive and/or boring it can get so it ends up not being $60/70 for me and then I play a shorter indie game like Tunic or Death's Door and I feel that they are totally worth it.

My point is, I can't meassure games by hours of content anymore and sometimes even value shorter games more. Like eating a huge bowl of bland rice vs eating a very tiny dessert that blows your mind

Value is relative and a very personal metric so we can all have different opinions