
jdeezy t1_j3mkk6r wrote

LTT did a video on it, but basically, ALL retail sold dash cams have one of a few sensor assemblies, and they're all a bit shit. So if you want that crystal clear love SE plate read you may be out of luck.
So a homebrew solution might actually be reasonable use of time.


jdeezy t1_itolltl wrote

Can I bend a self closing hinge? I'm having a problem with the latch catching, and the hinges are out of whack. There's an extra 1/2 inch of gap on one side of the top of the door, and the top hinge looks misaligned. However, there are self closing hinges on the top and bottom hinge.

Is there a way to bend a self closing hinge? Or am I better off replacing with a normal hinge, or trying shims or longer screws in door frame?