
jdharper t1_jbsxnda wrote

Given that banning drag shows are the thin edge of the political wedge that ends with "exterminate trans people," you'd expect a gay club to show some solidarity.

I don't have any inside knowledge, I just also saw this instagram post that says they fired the performers over text message so it seems like even the best case scenario is shitty.


jdharper t1_j8lqdkb wrote

I know that their sister restaurant, Den Den Cafe Asana, is my favorite local restaurant. I love the squid and pork belly barbecue.

My only complaint is that it is difficult to park nearby and they don't have any local delivery options, so it ends up being a special treat when I'm in the area. Which is also why I've never tried the fried chicken place: any time I am close enough to try it I end up getting the thing I know I'll like instead.


jdharper t1_its168y wrote

The German American club in Pawtucket has a monthly board game night, the second Thursday night of the month down in the Ratskeller. You don't need to be a member (or German) to come in for it. They serve inexpensive but good beer at the bar as well. It's focused on board games rather than role playing games, and it's a good chance to try out new games since typically someone there already knows how to play what they brought and is willing to teach.


jdharper t1_it00659 wrote

This is an industry press release for the oil industry. It's purpose seems to be to advocate for further investment in fossil fuels (which is a bad idea, we should invest in renewables and nuclear instead of in fuel sources that are both volatile in price and guaranteed to run out in the not too distant future) and to justify the outrageous prices we are going to be paying RI Energy this winter (this and the war in Ukraine are going to be used as cover for sky high energy company profits, mark my word)