
jdkeith t1_jb2dz5j wrote

> these dipshits are not just charged with hate speech

True. I view this as resisting arrest - it's often a bullshit charge added on when the cops don't like you.

> And I’d prefer it if bigots, racists, and xenophobes didn’t vote, but alas, the constitution protects that right.

Exactly, respecting rights sucks sometimes.


jdkeith t1_jb0z0vr wrote

> It just isn't in the newspaper when those violators are fined or arrested because they aren't racists.

I doubt that, but it's possible. The case should be simple then - whatever the charge for trespassing is without any kind of a hate multiplier - same as anyone making overpass fence text out of red plastic cups would get.


jdkeith t1_jb0xo2i wrote

> The issue here is the disgusting thing that they were promoting, the easiest thing for them to be charged with was trespass in the situation. But you must be smart enough to realize the issue is not that they were there but what they were promoting.

Right, and that's the problem libertarian types like me have with the whole thing. Would someone hanging a sign that said Make New England More Diverse be on the hook for $15,000 for trespassing? If no, then this violates the 1st amendment.


jdkeith t1_jb0x6az wrote

Yeah. I hate having to sound like running cover for these assholes, but a hate multiplier, if it should even exist at all, should be reserved for "real" crimes, not stupid crap like trespassing (via affixing a banner - shouldn't that be closer to vandalism anyways?). Having a system like this allows speech/expression to be penalized indirectly. We all know if they hung a BLM banner or a "Welcome back Lieutenant So and So" no one would give a shit.