
jezum t1_j2d76at wrote

I had the exact same problem with my ex-girlfriend and it never got better.

We lived together, and during the week, she would spend every waking hour after work gaming, and on weekends it would be from the minute she got up until the minute she went to sleep.

It wasn't always like that; she presented a version of herself during the first year of our relationship of someone who only gamed occasionally. As soon as she moved in, that changed completely. We would never go out together, she would constantly turn down requests to hang out with my friends and family and our sex life dwindled to zero.

I spent the next two years of my life pleading with her to game less so we could actually live life again together as a couple. I was desperately holding on to the relationship we had in that first year hoping we could get back to that point while making myself completely miserable in the process.

I started to feel like I was suckered into falling for her under false pretences, and once she had me "locked down" in a committed relationship, the mask came off and she revealed her true self. Eventually I couldn't deal with it anymore and I left.

I completely understand that there's mental health issues at play with your boyfriend, but I think you need to face the fact that even if he gets those under control, this might never change. I know that's difficult, but feeling alone in a relationship is one of the worst feelings ever. If you're at the point of feeling like that, you may as well just be single because you essentially already are.

I hope you can work this out, but please don't be like me and waste some of the best years of your life on somebody who would rather live a life staring at a monitor than participating in real life with you.