
jgghn t1_jb1u2eg wrote

Interesting. I haven't actually played since the early 90s. Beyond not liking the rule changes in later iterations, the shift towards more of a high fantasy model and more performative/acting playstyles doesn't appeal to me.

I recently read a book that did a dive into the material in the old Appendix N, appropriately called Appendix N. It rekindled my interest a bit & I've read that there's a bit of a resurgence of the old rulesets, have been curious how true that is. I guess I'm also curious if the interest is just in the old rulesets or also play styles.


jgghn t1_j23z37m wrote

Good point. Perhaps they should as well?

I don't think the problem with judges is quite as top level. We're all very familiar with how abusive police departments are to the people under their watch. A bad judge can have just as, if not more, of a profound impact on a person's life, but there's a reason why we see "ACAB" and not "AJAB".


jgghn t1_j21q10i wrote

> Nobody wants to pick up their kid at school standing next to the guy he locked up last week.

This is literally one of the reasons for residency requirements for police officers. They should be comfortable in their neighborhood and know the people they're policing. Otherwise it sets up a "The Others" situation for the officers, and they dehumanize the people they're policing.


jgghn t1_ivourw7 wrote

Exactly. I used to identify as a small-l libertarian and was registered as a capital-L Libertarian. Then I described myself as a "left leaning Libertarian". Then just "left leaning", and now "liberal".

Some of that was because I matured out of the Ayn Rand teenage mentality circle jerk, but most of it was the shifting of the Overton Window in our society & how that term has changed. I still hold opinions that'd make a Progressive cringe and vice versa, but more often than not we'll agree on the same What even if we don't agree on the Why.


jgghn t1_ivoq2vx wrote

Not always. But will agree that ever since the Tea Party the term has been coopted quite a bit. Like when you see a "Libertarian" talking about a strong military and wanting anti-abortion laws.

Just like anarchism there's a spectrum, and participants range from quite left to quite right.