
jlboygenius t1_j5p58xk wrote

oh 100%. I know of Alaskan Native corporations that are based in NoVA. They use the alaskan name and give the profits back to the alaskan native tribe. As long as the company meets its agreed payments, they do basically whatever they want. no one from the tribe works at the company, they just lend out their name.

I also had a software company suggest that we just buy through an alaskan native since then the contract could be executed in days. If we went through the vendor it would have to be a real bid/compete process.


jlboygenius t1_j5opuii wrote

somebody's gonna meet their HBCU/MI small business goals this year.

FYI, in case people don't work in contracting. Many large government contractors have to submit a small business plan for how they are going to spread out the money to subcontractors.

Small business, women owned, veteran owned, service disabled veteran owned, Alaskan native, and Historically black colleges and universities are categories.

I HIGHLY doubt this is the first government military research work they have done. Likely it's been as a sub to someone else.


jlboygenius t1_itmvser wrote

and the weird thing about it is that his ex?-wife is in the band. All the shit he did, was while he was married to a band member. And they are still together, touring and doing their thing.

Which kinda makes me think maybe what he did wasn't that bad (I really haven't looked into it). She seems OK with it, who am I to judge. (i probably should look into it).