
jmlrjtm t1_jdu9zsk wrote

I moved here just a few months ago from a NYC suburb, so I’m a recent transplant to Hartford. I’m in the Charter Oak Ave neighborhood and I walk/run a lot - these were my concerns before moving here and I’ve found downtown Hartford to be very safe / walkable. Riverside Park and Bushnell are great spots and trails that extend from them are nice, too.

Moving in winter, I found myself running after work downtown at night often - I even would cut thru Bushnell Park at night and never had an issue. (Be aware of your surroundings, of course!). There’s a lot of events happening in Hartford and I’m excited for the warmer weather and events coming up that I’ve stumbled upon.

If you get tired of Hartford on a weekend, there’s no shortage of nearby towns that also have a lot to offer. (Rt. 84 / 91 can get trafficky, but it’s never worse than any other city I’ve lived in).

Hartford has excelled a lot of my expectations so far. It’s far from perfect, but I’ve come to be very happy with my decision to relocate here, and I feel like I’ve just begun to scratch the surface!


jmlrjtm t1_j081kv1 wrote

My partner and I just got an apartment at capewell, moving up from NJ - it is really nice so far. Element 250 isn’t too far away.

The area south and immediately west of us isn’t super great from driving thru, but the access to downtown and the river is quite nice (so far!). Eager to explore more of Hartford’s hidden gems.