
joeri1505 t1_jdps73e wrote

A vaccine is a weakened or incapacitated version of a disease that teaches your body how to fight of a real infection. This can be both a virus or a bacteria.

Penicilin is a medicine that kills bacteria.

Vaccinations prevent sickness Penecilin (or other antibiotics) cure bacterial infections

Vaccines are not a treatment for sick people You cant prevent whats already there


joeri1505 t1_j28takf wrote

Publishers choose what content to distribute and in what way. Platforms provide a place where people can distribute their own content.

No social media platforms corrects your spelling or advises you to change the name of your main character.

At most, they remove content that is highly inappropriate or illegal


joeri1505 t1_j23qjvo wrote

Because unlike Europe and the US, there hasn't been a strong anti-smoking movement in those countries. The same things that kept us smoking for so long (political reluctance, lobbying and financial interests) are still in full power in Asia.

Asians dont smoke more than Europe or the US did up untill deep into the 80's


joeri1505 t1_j1ips2v wrote

Yeah i somewhat know that theory and it makes sense But you have to see how much has to go right in that process.

The pottery clay just happens to contain metals. That's just luck. The metals melt at a low temperature, luck People figure out how to recognize metal ores Refining ore Building kilns that can get hot enough Adding carbon to make steel from iron.

Its similar to how the Chinese just never really figured out how to make clear glass. Causing them to never develop glasses