
john22544 t1_j6ofd4e wrote

The voting age was lowered in constitutional amendment even. Also many states had a drinking age of 21 and 29 states lowered it (or partially lowered it) to 18, until the federal government stepped in and forced states to raise it back to 21 in the 80s.


john22544 t1_j5rxtfx wrote

If you have your own base station within a few miles of your job you can get repeatable sub 2 centimeter vertical accuracy.

Selective availability that intentionally limited the accuracy was turned off May 1, 2000.


john22544 t1_j4evtfa wrote

So far in the 21st century the percentage of the worlds people without access to sufficient calories has been cut by about 1/3. 50 million people per year have been lifted from extreme poverty (living on less than $1.90 per day). In 2000 around 30% of the world's population lived in extreme poverty, today it's less than 10% and is on track to be 0% by the early 30s.