
johnpu1 t1_j1hm34n wrote

In the Before I was an investment banker, made a lot of money but it never filled me with joy or sense of pride. I drove my cars, slept with women, drank on the weekends. But I have never felt as much pride as when I started the Daycare sanctuary in the After. The After came about approximatelly three years ago, but it was not anything like you would expect from an apocalypse. No asteroids, aliens or crazy war. Over couple years cropps slowly stopped growing and all the other plants slowly followed. When there was not enough for everyone panic set and people started organizing in groups and then it slowly went to shit. When there was only couple of million people left, war started. And after there was just the Wasteland. I stayed out of the war but lost all my wealth since money meant nothing.

After I recovered from the shock I realized I can do something meaningful. I used my charisma and appealed to all the warlords in the are for a safe haven at least for the children. To my surprise all the warlords agreed. So the Safe-Haven was established and respected by everyone.