johnsmithbonds8 t1_j93mrvv wrote
Reply to I Watched Elon Musk Kill Twitter’s Culture From the Inside | This bizarre episode in social-media history proves that it’s well past time for meaningful tech oversight by Hrmbee
Elon Musk is buying Reddit!? WHAAAAAT!?!!
johnsmithbonds8 t1_j91x930 wrote
Reply to [D] Please stop by [deleted]
I agree with the sentiment. But, you do understand what you have just done, right?
johnsmithbonds8 OP t1_j8xeb55 wrote
Reply to comment by Grgyl in Can we humans really benefit from AI as a species? by johnsmithbonds8
They do be funny doe
johnsmithbonds8 OP t1_j8we0po wrote
Reply to comment by ImmotalWombat in Can we humans really benefit from AI as a species? by johnsmithbonds8
How can you raise the floor without raising the ceiling? Are you proposing some type of pancake like compression? I do not comprehend. I mean how will i communicate to you that i am better than you if we all have access to the same resources?
johnsmithbonds8 OP t1_j8wdgc0 wrote
Reply to comment by AtlasShrunked in Can we humans really benefit from AI as a species? by johnsmithbonds8
Wait till the Aliens see this. They’re gonna lose it!.
“Humans give each other diseases, then create exterior technology to “cure” them.
“Many humans are sexually dissatisfied, so they create technology guarantee to cause disea-“
“Load the rockets and let’s do these sadomasochistic biologically looping imbeciles a favor”
“Look mom, a wishing sta-“
Sorry, long day. Yes. At the very least, medicine is definitely in a good place regarding the application of these technologies.
And porn, well, they are the pioneers of it all for a reason, no?
johnsmithbonds8 OP t1_j8wbk9l wrote
Reply to comment by Few_Carpenter_9185 in Can we humans really benefit from AI as a species? by johnsmithbonds8
I wish there was a formula to be able to visualize what percent of new technological capacities are actually adopted, by the population.
For example, the internet. The internet, or more specifically the virtually unabridged access to information it provides, is arguably massively underutilized by the majority of people.
In theory, it is able to level the informational playing field, giving people the ability to bridge gaps, previously logistically impossible.
However, most people today don’t view / use the internet for such purposes, despite having virtually zero material hurdles to do so.
If we as a society understand this, what benefit (even theoretical) do “the powers that be” really have to gain from this potential Utopia.
This leads me to the idea itself, the vision. How biologically congruent is a world where there in no need for want, conflict, need, ie a reason to evolve. Can life exist as a puddle of ever-growing “happiness” statically, for anything other than a brief period of time? Excuse the analogy, but is that not what cancers and viruses do?
Lastly, I think as a people we should better understand that we are “the powers that be”. I don’t mean, picketing down the street, writing to your congressman type of way.
I mean in our daily lives. There wouldn’t be grinding widely accepted exploitation if we didn’t value $3.99 strawberries over some poor schmuck’s “abstract” suffering.
We are the market and we have spoken. Power itself is the system, propagated by time, yet fueled by its consumers.
While there are lizard men out there with ungodly amounts of power, their status is in some (very real) way tied to our emotianal satiety in some manner.
Even the wealthiest oil barron could be made irrelevant, if as a society demonstrated our priorities were else where.
Thank you, for your wide reading of the current climate. I think it is going to take a similar multi-disciplinary approach to be able to really navigate the next phases of life as humans.
johnsmithbonds8 OP t1_j8uq9gh wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Can we humans really benefit from AI as a species? by johnsmithbonds8
Individual material accumulation for it’s sake, at a global scale, is not exactly a sure-fire way to achieve…much.
It seems like the true power of AI is going to be diametrically opposed to the current status quo as soon as it reaches a certain level of ‘intelligence’.
As we approach these unchartered levels of sophistications and AGI’s etc. become a true imminent threat, it seems to me that like most tools of power available to the masses will be labeled, hoarded, and restricted by the same...people.
So can the tech advance fast enough before it is sterilized and can have enough oomph to make core changes vs optimizing what we have today.
We’ll see?..
johnsmithbonds8 t1_j6s4zhk wrote
Reply to comment by wanchez05 in Top fastest-growing jobs between 2021 and 2031 by kickresume
Haven’t ya heard kid. Movie theaters as far as the eye can see. Just you watch! People will line up for miles to see the latest Elma Hepps picture!
johnsmithbonds8 OP t1_j51818w wrote
Reply to comment by McWalking_Episode in TIL being sleep deprived can cause sexual arousal in mammals. by johnsmithbonds8
I don’t know why i even bothered to post a link with this science on board.
johnsmithbonds8 t1_j9tzhe2 wrote
Reply to [D] A funny story from my interview by nobody0014
So i’m not giant asset?