
jonhasglasses t1_jeerma7 wrote

This is the problem with new tech. We imagine new tech unrestrained by our current model of business and society. So that when we prognosticate what this new tech is we see boundless possibilities. But the truth of the matter is any new tech will be lashed down with the restrictions of our business models and governments. This happened with the internet. It was supposed to change everything about everything. And the whole world was going to be revolutionized and we were going to end disease and stop world hunger all because of the internet. Well all the internet did is made our current capitalist systems stronger faster and more robust. The same thing is going to happen with AI. It might be a multiplier but it’s not going to be the one anyone is talking about.


jonhasglasses t1_j6uzclg wrote

If you look back at my original comment I wasn’t conflating the two. I was making a comment how the use of impact is an interesting choice because as I know it (and as Stanford has published) sports teams and stadiums don’t have a positive impact on local economies. I didn’t spell it out further but I felt that was a relevant piece of information to the discussion of the economic impact of the Super Bowl.


jonhasglasses t1_j6tq9he wrote

That’s a fair point but I’d argue that the short term benefits are outweighed by the long term negative externalities of a stadium. First of all it seems that the short term benefit of the Super Bowl is only about a quarter of what the NFL says it is. Most of the reports I’ve seen about the impact of a Super Bowl count public sector jobs (police, emts, public transportation workers, city maintenance worker etc.) as part of the job growth, which the budget for that comes from the public budget. And you would think that the extra tax revenue from the event would balance that public investment out, but I find that dubious as the NFL and the people who own teams/build stadiums have some of the highest tax subsidies of any industry. That’s all assuming a Super Bowl comes to your city. I find reports that say the Super Bowl is a benefit to local economies are being willful ignorant of the long term impact of stadiums and sports teams.


jonhasglasses t1_j6i76x7 wrote

I don’t think you can be a good conversationalist without sharing personal information. I strongly feel that a good conversationalist show vulnerability which encourages other people to share more. The easiest way to show vulnerability in a conversation is to talk about personal things. If you don’t share you are just interviewing I hate feeling interviewed when having a conversation.