
jonnyredshorts t1_j42tul7 wrote

I’d be far more concerned that the snow would tear them off when it releases off the standing seam roof...Water on the other hand tends to drop pretty much vertical off the edge of the roof, and into the gutters...there’s a sweet spot where sliding snow will pass over the top of the gutter, but liquid water will drop right into them. I’m just trying to get a read on what that distance is.


jonnyredshorts t1_iuk2b3r wrote

I’m not making any such distinction. I am saying, and have been saying, very clearly, and I’ll repeat it again, removing/destroying political signs is a fascist act, regardless of what the political alignment of the person doing it holds.

Infringing I’m political speech is fascist. Period.


jonnyredshorts t1_iuhln2a wrote

Eastern coyotes are a thing…the question is whether they are wolf/coyote hybrids or domestic dog and coyote hybrids…they’re out there, they are much larger than coyotes and smaller than wolves…I’ve seen examples with my own eyes.