
josetemprano t1_j9h9qvx wrote

LOL - literally nothing escapes a black hole.

Hawking radiation does not escape a black hole. It exists only because nothing can escape a black hole. The particle is created on the outside of the event horizon while the antiparticle is created on the inside of the event horizon and can't escape to destroy the matching particle

Stellar masses that are ejected don't pass the event horizon either. It doesn't escape, it gets whirl-pooled around it and thrown out before it gets sucked in.

So, yes, nothing can escape a black hole. But your statement is incomplete.

Instead, say "nothing can escape a black hole once it has passed the event horizon."


josetemprano t1_iyf0p5l wrote

This headline and article is a good example of why statistics class is important for the general public. This isn't how data works. The sample size was only 15 - and they were all of a single demographic - and then they used a flawed technique to jump to a pre-drawn conclusion - and then applied the results to the entire population of the earth.

No, no, and no.


josetemprano t1_isv37mc wrote

Robert Smith from the Cure played with them as well for a while - and that's where he got his signature look.

Go look at any videos of him prior to playing with them - and then check him out in every video since.