
jpbarber414 t1_j6i0wag wrote

Yes they are called endemic diseases.

What It Means When a Disease Is Endemic

An endemic disease is a disease that is always present in a particular population or region. Every year, the amount of endemic disease is considered a “baseline” of what is expected to persist indefinitely. Some of the most recognized endemic diseases include the flu, malaria, HIV, and syphilis. Many experts predict that COVID-19 will become an endemic disease at some point.


jpbarber414 t1_j6hdu34 wrote

More bullshit from the dictatorship in China, while the rest of the world got back on track about 2021 China was still in the backwaters.

For awhile it looked like China was on the right road, they prospered for many years, built up their economy, and then all hell broke loose.

Being greedy gets you know where, economic wise and land grabbing.


jpbarber414 t1_j4wag1t wrote

One thing I would like to add, the ☀️ sun moves along the ecliptic plane which changes depending on the time of year.

The ecliptic plane is defined as the imaginary plane containing the Earth's orbit around the sun. In the course of a year, the sun's apparent path through the sky lies in this plane. The planetary bodies of our solar system all tend to lie near this plane, since they were formed from the sun's spinning, flattened, proto-planetary disk.

The sun never truly "rises" in the East nor sets in the West.


jpbarber414 t1_j03r0z1 wrote

A common one is cilantro, these people have a variation in a group of olfactory-receptor genes that allows them to strongly perceive the soapy-flavored aldehydes in cilantro leaves. This genetic quirk is usually only found in a small percent of the population, though it varies geographically. Interestingly, places where cilantro is especially popular, such as Central America and India, have fewer people with these genes, which might explain how the herb was able to become such a mainstay in those regions. East Asians have the highest incidence of this variation, with some studies showing that nearly 20% of the population experiences soapy-tasting cilantro.