
jphamlore t1_iui6s0i wrote

It's late 2022 and still considered perfectly acceptable that clicking on one link on the web can enable anyone to take over your computer, and from there, the organization's network.

Who could have possibly guessed this would become a massive problem.

And let's not mention how apparently at one point one could randomly leave a USB flash drive lying in the parking lot, and plenty of idiots would plug it in to their computers.


jphamlore t1_iu9mmve wrote

> Unlike Windows machines, which have a lifespan of about three years, I still have Chromebooks running that are seven years old.

> True, their Auto Update Expiration (AUE) dates are now history, so I can't get automatic updates anymore. But, so what? Even Google admits you can keep using them after their average five-year expiration date.

Run a real Linux distro and one can keep getting updates as long as the hardware functions.


jphamlore t1_ittj3ak wrote

The real story is that the ability to keep improving a lot of legacy military hardware is collapsing in a manner disturbingly similar to the debacle occurring in Russia, where Russia had planned to produce by now something like 2300 T-14 Armata tanks, but wound up with near zero, and those tanks have a critical defect.

Why US Air Force is Making Aerial Refueling HARDER?

UAPs are UFOs is a convenient fiction that somewhere out there is superior technology. The hard truth is we can't even duplicate what we used to make 50 or more years ago, due to our inability to train actual leaders who can run projects.

Try to give a date when human astronauts will once again return to the surface of the Moon.


jphamlore t1_ithtmzs wrote

The United States model for consumer devices is to charge per cellular device an expensive subscription. I am curious if for 5G the Chinese can overcome the problems of trying to achieve fully autonomous vehicles by simply hooking them up to 5G and remote controlling them if needed, which was actually everyone's vision for the future of autonomous vehicles until about 5 years ago.


jphamlore t1_irnye56 wrote

> Just a year ago, Tigrayan fighters were marching on the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, after driving government forces from Tigray. But in November they were forced to retreat after Abiy obtained armed drones from Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and China

Good luck pretending the West can stop proliferation of such technology.