
jphistory t1_j2a5vml wrote

What you're discussing was propaganda magnified tenfold in order to justify invading Iraq and Afghanistan. It was part of a campaign of othering aimed at dehumanizing vast swathes of people a d blaming them for the collapse of the twin towers, and it resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. The Iranian people are brave and facing death for their dissent and this isn't the first time they have faced down a brutal regime that would make our little proto fascists crap their pants.

I support the Iranian people and so should you.


jphistory t1_j29yfs1 wrote

This is what I was going to suggest! I always have at minimum two books going because my spouse and I read together every night (so basically I have my book and our book) and when I am in the middle of reading but getting that feeling of wanting to move on, I just do it. Most of the time I go back, but sometimes the time away is enough to help me realize I am not feeling something. I read for fun, so why torture myself for fun?

Having said that, I should confess that my spouse and I just picked up Antkind to read together next year, so I guess I'm OK with a little torture in good company, haha.


jphistory t1_j0ytxqt wrote

I treat reviews for books like I treat restaurant reviews. When they complain, what are they complaining about? Like if they say "beautiful language but took forever to build to any sort of action" I'm alllll over it. Or if they complain that it was super weird or that the ending was too ambiguous or something I might check it out.

I also occasionally amuse myself by reading one and two star reviews for classics. Like the kids who complain about everyone having too many names in War and Peace. :)


jphistory t1_it1wflc wrote

Reply to comment by MacKelvey in just got laid off by slurm_lord

Pro tip from someone in the know:

*early afternoon and later

*earlier in the week

School field trips almost always come in the AM and leave by 1:30 or so, and they like later in the week. If you come on a Monday, the world is likely your oyster.