
jpr7887 t1_jdnnxys wrote

Are you handicapped? Context says no, so you shouldn't be parking in a handicap spot. That's for people who actually need it. Face the consequences of your own actions OP and learn from this.


jpr7887 t1_j9uchmr wrote

Lol welcome to NJ! There is no objective answer to your question. We here have a revered tradition of endlessly debating north vs south and whether central exists (it does) and if so what it is. Soon it will be time for your coming of Jersey baptism, to choose sides in the pork roll vs Taylor ham debate. Good luck and don't choose the wrong one!

It is in fact cheese-quake to answer your second question.


jpr7887 t1_j9tswme wrote

Moved out right after college with my girlfriend (now wife) and one of her college friends to a 2-bed apartment. Both of us worked at Starbucks and lived off Trader Joe's for a couple of years while we both went to grad school. Having a roommate made it doable but they didn't contribute more than their rent. We still had a good time since we're both introverted. Northern suburban NJ btw.

Edit: this was 2013/2014 for context