
jracka t1_jaak74j wrote

If you move there you will be looking for a new place to live when your lease is up. Ashland is cute, but you want to be near the city because that's where you will spend most of your time. The last thing you want to do on a Fri or Sat night is realize you have a 25 minute drive home. There are much better places for you, at your age, to live.


jracka t1_j8ppkdd wrote

You just jumped the shark on that one. Are you really saying that parents should focus on every single child before putting more focus on their own? I am going to take it you don't have kids

Also, the FOX PTA has many Black and Hispanic parents, I guess they are also practicing Jim Crow. Just wow.


jracka t1_j6b83uy wrote

Asians also live in a two parent household more than any other.

"The living arrangements of children vary by their racial and ethnic background. A vast majority of Asian children (85%) today live with two married parents, as is the case for most white children (74%) and Hispanic children (61%). The share among black children who live with married parents is markedly lower—36% of black children live with married parents. "

It's something that doesn't get talked about, but it should be


jracka t1_j23s4dp wrote

I will never travel for the holidays, it makes it feel like work. I have no problems with those that do unless they complain about traffic/delayed flights etc. I mean you are traveling during the busiest time of the year, of course all of that is going to be there!


jracka t1_j1sym1g wrote

I hate this for you, I just had to put my dog down recently and it was tough. It's going to be hard to find someone to come overnight, especially during the holiday season. Although a vet location might be unfamiliar, your cat will only know if you are there or not, so that might be the best option.


jracka t1_ixxb406 wrote

Richmond is a pretty progressive city, I don't think you will find too many CPAs that are lgbtq "unfriendly" and if someone was you can bet somehow it would be posted here so people could avoid them.


jracka t1_isu1ls4 wrote

You are absolutely incorrect. First of all look at Cross's paper, a lot of what they puts ahead of two-parent households is already mentioned previously, ie social services, so you need to read my comment after the original. Also, not sure if you even read her paper but she absolutely did not say two-parent households were bad.

"Using new Census data and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, this brief finds that black and white children from intact homes are significantly more likely to be flourishing economically, educationally, and socially on the three outcomes examined here: child poverty, education, and incarceration.

At the same time, consistent with Cross’ research, we do find that the association between family structure and one major education outcome, college graduation, is weaker for black children than white children. Nevertheless, young black adults are significantly more likely to graduate from college if they grew up in an intact family.


Also, never been to church so I have no idea about evangelical talking points.