
jroc9696 t1_j9jm3ym wrote

Where did I ever say Putin was any better? He can be hung publicly just like all of the other leaders of the world. It's us vs them bud. I could say the exact same shit you said to me back to you, but just replace Putin with Biden or Zelensky. Seems you have your 👄 wrapped too securely around their 🍆s to realize who they actually are and what they stand for, tho. They can all burn for all I care. And they will.


jroc9696 t1_j9jdv70 wrote

Don't take it so literally. OP isnt saying Norfolk Southern had anything to do with Covid. He means the politicians and media

My whole point with saying it's the most reasonable comment on this sub again shouldn't be taken so literally. I'm just saying how if you say anything against the narrative and agenda pushed so heavily by this sub, you will be downvoted to hell. This sub has no tolerance for reason, critical thinking, or alternative opinions. You either comment agreeing with whatever liberal post was made, or you voice another opinion and get downvoted to hell. It's the epitome of an echo chamber. This sub in no way represents PA as a whole. Which isnt surprising given it's reddit, but I like to come here occasionally to point this shit out to all the circlejerkers here


jroc9696 t1_j9j87ak wrote

Lmao this comment thread hating on Trump but nice y'all can just ignore the actual sitting president decided to fuck off to the corrupt cesspool of Ukraine to go kiss his YoungBoy Zelensky, while his own country is experiencing a crisis that could be on the level of Chernobyl...

Yeah yeah of course Trump showed up for optics, but that's literally the job of a president. Y'all are the same types that probably clapped and cried when Obama showed up to Flint and "drank the water," which was more of a PR stunt than even Trump has mustered. Not to mention the fact the people of Flint absolutely hated when Obama did that
