
jsm1031 t1_jdkte0m wrote

Just to add, in case anyone is at risk, you do not have to be bitten by a rabid animal to contract rabies. Getting the saliva, or other body fluid in an open wound or break in the skin, or having a bite too small to see can also transmit. Post exposure prophylaxis is usually offered if for instance you found a bat in your bedroom that tests positive even without a recognized bite.


jsm1031 t1_jc4ll2y wrote

You mentioned some of your clients using your service as a tutorial. Can you say more about that? I really want to write research proposals but have never written one before! Does paying for one (or two!) make sense as a way of helping me learn how to put them together well?



jsm1031 t1_j6fdywo wrote

Wow and NOPE! So many of us are insulated within our family, friend, faith, or work relationships that we may never be exposed to issues that affect others. I am not suggesting that what one reads here or other places on the internet is accurate, but it can introduce us to ideas, issues, and dilemmas that we may need to know about or vote on.