
jthanson t1_j7t8ni0 wrote

And then the urban sophisticates wonder why they are reviled by us poor, knuckle-dragging slobs out here in the rural areas. It's like the Russian Revolution when the urban Socialists didn't understand why the peasants didn't like them.

Oh, wait—I'm in a rural area. I'm supposed to be one of those poor, uneducated rubes incapable of putting together a coherent sentence. I'd probably better not burst their illusion by referencing Bolsheviks canvassing the countryside looking for support from landless peasants.


jthanson t1_j4zb78c wrote

That whole area was so beautiful back before the eruption. Hard to believe it's over forty years now. Somewhere under all that mud is Harry Truman.


jthanson t1_j2y8qwn wrote

Washington is one of the strongest states for the Grange. During the Progressive Era, there were many Washington farmers and other agricultural workers who joined the Grange. There are still many Granges left in our state. It was the most popular fraternal group for people living in rural areas.


jthanson t1_j19qly8 wrote

Although I appreciate your pedantry, the use of homophone is appropriate here. Although “have” and “of” are not homophones when pronounced correctly, they are indistinguishable in colloquial speech, especially in American English. The incorrect usage of “of” in place of “have” is a phenomenon of auditory language experience. In that respect, it is homophony that is to blame.


jthanson t1_j16fhj1 wrote

Because the Capitol Campus is a place where citizens can put up displays for the holidays. That's also why there's a menorah. I'm surprised more groups haven't taken the opportunity to share something meaningful to them in a public space.