
jttIII t1_j0lu1gc wrote

A man comes out of the courthouse and stands on the courthouse steps with tablet in hand like they did in Rome and bellows the following

"Official Missouri Edict forthcoming!

The decree is as follows:

In honor of our GLORIOUS representative, Roy Dean Blunt, and in respect to his most storied and dedicated service to our great state let it be known that all male children born within the province in the year 2023 shall be named "Roy!"


jttIII t1_izeor5m wrote

A buddy of mine is a cop in town and he described it kinda like this.

Most violent crime happens to people who got involved with other people who likely would do violent crime for their fix.

BUT if you have an unlocked bike it'll probably be stolen and if you have stuff in an unlocked car it'll probably be stolen.


jttIII t1_iyjiha1 wrote

Reply to Property taxes by yaxgto

I just think it's super cool how because of the nonsense in the world last year my car, that im not going to sell, literally appreciated in value therefore costing more this year than it did last year in taxes... horseshit.

Homeowners wait till next year when RE gets assessed and you see your escrow payment increase by like 15%...


jttIII t1_iw4fq7k wrote

Out of genuine curiosity and hypothetically, if you found out that a religiously affiliated or originated program was 5-10x more efficient and potent in helping the unhoused vs the best secular organization would you still invest your time and recourses with the secular organization instead of the religious based one?

If so, I'm super genuinely curious to understand the calculus and the "why" behind that calculus.


jttIII t1_ivi2hlc wrote

What would your suggestion be in regards to the tension currently between pragmatic landlords who had the capital and risk tolerance to buy real estate and rent their properties for what the market will bear and their prospective tenants that you believe are being overpriced?


jttIII t1_ivgf70m wrote

First and foremost, I'll lay my ignorance on the table as I'm nothing more than an armchair economist... more educated than most on the subject but nowhere near an expert.

You'll also get little argument from me that large foreign ownership of US properties presents a whole host of challenges from a market security and even national security lens... IE if I was China and wanted to play the long game and had the capital I'd absolutely inflate the assets that are housing then attack currency to create a recession where people lose jobs and cant pay for the inflated asset then cascading to a depression. tin foil hat...

I genuinely do feel for people who are stuck renting. I bought in 2014 and my mortgage today on a 3 br 2 ba house couldn't pay for an unfurnished studio in most cases.

So what's your suggestion?


jttIII t1_ivftk0b wrote

and this is a good faith question, Why should I NOT take a profit if I am taking on all the risk of buying a property and filling it with someone who doesn't have the risk associated with owning a housing asset?

I mean a fair amount of people rent as a stepping stone to ownership but many rent precisely because they don't want to assume the risks and responsibilities associated with home ownership.


jttIII t1_ivd0jh0 wrote

lol... of flipping course you follow reddit "antiwork"

good luck when your economic catastrophic wet dream occurs and you still have no valuable skills to any meaningful community.

You're poison.
