
julieOKeefe OP t1_iu4w0u0 wrote

Well, my point was that I've never had a lot of confidence in myself or success with my habits. I found that this approach was simple and took enough pressure off of me that I was able to follow through.

I understand that there are many people in more difficult positions than I am.

Just recommending a type of approach and wanted to share the progress I have made with a community. Wasn't meant to offend anyone!


julieOKeefe OP t1_iu4trug wrote

It's the Steddy app's scoring system. Basically the greater my effort and the more workouts I do, the higher the score. It doesn't have a meaning (like connected with my heart rate or anything) but I find it motivating to see the points go up over time.

They claim that users who get to 100 "usually form a strong habit" which felt true for me.


julieOKeefe OP t1_iu4t9tw wrote

It's called Steddy! It's basically a streak app for your exercise only.

This is exactly how I felt too. I used to use the notes app or excel (basically pen and paper) to track progress but I would lose track because I didn't set it up in a way that worked well over the long run.