
jungleebunglee t1_iyewso1 wrote

Thank you so much. I am talking to my university provided counselor right now which helps me mentally. The wife has been an old friend. I find it very excruciating involving her in all of this.

Actually, my lawyer does say that if I get a peace order against the husband, he can get a subpeona for the landlord, landlord's wife and Respondent's wife. Who will have to take an oath at court. If they lie, it's perjury. Which is because I was there as well.

The rest depends on my lawyer to fight my case on other grounds for harassment + trespassing as he was living for months without legally having any right to do so. Because verbally this man has admitted to harassing me in front of his wife, and my landlords. I can get my housemates testimony for this man's presence in the house for months as well. I want to do good to my housemates. I don't want a subpeona for my other housemates.

If my landlords backdate a lease. I mean it's going to be long. I don't really think my landlords are that in love with this man that they'll pay for 1000s of dollars to fight a case that they got into due to this man.

But I am in it until there's some judgment that I am satisfied with.


jungleebunglee t1_iyedfwc wrote

I want to move out as well without penalty as I terminate my lease. I also want a peace order as this person knows my workplace and my university. His wife is also a student of the same university so he access to certain campus buildings such as gym as spouse of student.