
just_an_ordinary_guy t1_jefy4d8 wrote

Same type of person who would be like "my diet pepsi was empty for 5 seconds before you came by to refill my cup, and that's why you deserve zero tip."

So your first batch of bread was an hour old, and they had a fresh batch for your next round. So the manager is making their rounds making sure their patrons are happy. Maybe a server happened to overhear them complaining and alerted the manager, or this person was scowling and they can read body language from afar. I can 100% guarantee that this person has literally never worked a service job ever in their life. Probably born in the south hills and moved to Fayette county for "the space and lack of neighbors" and "the taxes are cheaper" and then they complain about gas prices while commuting an hour to monroeville or greensburg for their job in a Rav4 or Highlander.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_jedcob2 wrote

Reply to comment by hcb9117 in ….? by ReginaldsMember

Lots of people on that sub (I've been there for a few years now) don't fully understand what makes a house a McMansion. That's why the "just ugly" tag exists there. t's not necessarily an agenda, they're just ignorant. Anyhow, actual McMansions are a symptom of many things, including land use policy.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_jedbplu wrote

I already responded down thread to you, but I'll put it here just for people to see. For some reason I flipped the concept in my head, you're right on the math part. They're actually running fewer millions of miles these days because precision scheduled railroading is consolidating shorter trains into much longer trains. So they travel fewer miles to move the same amount, if not more, freight.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_jedbe90 wrote

Yeah, I messed up, but derailments per million miles is actually up. Where I goofed is I got the numbers flipped in my head for some reason. They're actually running fewer miles because precision scheduled railroading is consolidating shorter trains into much longer trains. So they need to run fewer miles to run the same amount, if not more, freight.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_je8f8g2 wrote

Problem is, that statement is true. Yes, the raw number of derailments is down. But that's not a very useful statistic. They're running more miles than ever as the economy continually grows. If you look at derailments per million train miles, which is a better metric to look at, Norfolk Southern and CSX (both the big operators in this region) have both had increases in derailments per million train miles over the past decade, especially within the last few years for NS. A very big spike in NS derailments per million train miles. Very worrying.

In fact, the national trend is trending upwards in derailments per million miles, though I don't care to look into every individual class I railroad's statistics for this comment.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_je8c10r wrote

It's not like it's going to be a meadow by memorial day. It probably won't even violate city code. I typically only mow once every 3 weeks and it's never higher than maybe 4 or 5 inches. Depends on the grass type, shade vs light, the amount of rain, etc. Some places like Mt Lebanon are stricter than the city. But it's doable and not a snake and tick haven by that point.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_je8barc wrote

Honestly, for a 1/10 acre skip the battery and just use a cord. You'll probably need to get an expensive one for higher amp draw. For instance, I got one of those leaf blower/vacuum things because I have a below grade driveway and leaves get piled up down there. Use it a couple times a year so no leaf blower hate plz. For comparison, my lot is 7000 sqft, which is about .15 acres.

Anyhow, it draws a lot of amps (around 15 amps) and I need 100 feet to reach all of my yard with ease. So you need a cord with larger guage wires. 12 guage for around 15 amps and 10 guage for anything over that up to 20 amps (has one of the prongs sideways). Because the longer the cord, the more voltage drop which can damage the tool. Anyhow, the extension cord will usually have labeled the amp rating it's designed for. Heavy duty is usually designed for these amps.

The batteries for tools are decently expensive, and lithium ion is only good for full capacity up to maybe 500 full cycles. Corded tools are also cheaper for a comparable battery powered tool. And fewer rare earth metals for environmental responsibility if that's your angle.


just_an_ordinary_guy t1_jdu2ztx wrote

As great as it sounds, it's pretty much impossible. A lot of chemicals are moved by ship/barge, so being along the river is pretty much a must. If you introduce pipelines or more trucking, that's just more risk for spills. On top of that, moving them would be prohibitively expensive and would probably result in a relatively unspoiled area getting destroyed to place the new location. The better way is to a) reduce they need for whatever chemicals and along with that better regulate their handling and enforcement to go with that.